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How do I use the Dashboard?

Creation date: 7/2/2020 8:16 AM    Updated: 3/1/2021 7:24 AM   course list dashboard find my course

The dashboard serves as a quick place to view and access all of the courses that you are enrolled in and shows your completion percentage of each. (Note: the percentage can sometimes be inaccurate; if you think you finished a course but it doesn’t show 100% - read this article.) You can also customize some of the dashboard’s features to work better for you. 

Where is it?

You can find the dashboard in two places - the dropdown under your name (in the upper right corner) and the Navigation Drawer. 

The Navigation Drawer (Nav Drawer) is in the left sidebar of your screen. If you can’t see the Nav Drawer, click the ‘pancake stack’ icon in the upper left of the screen next to the Learning Hub button. If you are on the Hub’s homepage, the Dashboard link will then be the 2nd link down the list. 

If you are currently in a course, the Dashboard link will be further down the list.

Customizing the Course Overview Block

Along the top of the Course Overview area, are three fields you can use to customize your view.


The 1st - labeled above as “All (except hidden)” allows you to filter by: in progress, future, past, starred, and hidden.

The 2nd sorts the course by either course name (alphabetically) or date last accessed. 

The 3rd changes how the courses are displayed. ‘Card’ is the default and shows the title, percent complete and a color icon. ‘List’ is a simplified version without the icon, and ‘Summary’ shows the full course description.

Furthermore, you can ‘Star’ or ‘Hide’ individual courses. This is handy when you are enrolled in quite a few courses. The three dots on the right side of each course allow you to make it a favorite by marking it with a star or to hide it from view. (Hidden courses can be shown again using the visibility filter in the upper left of the Course Overview block.)