As you may be aware, Montana educator license applicants are typically required to take the free, online course "An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana" to meet licensure requirements.
This course is available as a free, online, self-paced course on the Teacher Learning Hub. It takes approximately two hours to complete, however, there will be grading time between assignment submissions.
Your Technology
It is recommended that you use a computer/laptop/tablet with a keyboard and mouse for this course. Google Chrome is the preferred browser.
Getting Started
You must create a free account on the Teacher Learning Hub to take the course if you do not have an account already.
Logging In and Enrolling
Log in* or create an account using the Login block on the right-hand side. 
Click "Search Courses"
Click "Indian Education for All"
Click "An Introduction to Indian Education for All in Montana"
Press "Enroll Me" button
*Returning Users: Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username/password, press “Lost password?” and follow the directions.
ConsiderationsDue to the high traffic of this course and the two assignments that must be graded by the course facilitator, it may take a few days to complete the course. Also, you will receive email notifications to the email address you used when you created your account regarding your assignment statuses. These emails may go to your junk folder, so you may need to return to the assignments to locate feedback from the course facilitator.
Proof of Completion
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion. It is very important that you save this certificate and print the certificate. You will need this certificate in the future. You will also be unenrolled from the course shortly after completing the course, so please take your time to secure the certificate immediately upon completion.
You will need to:
- Print the form and fill out your information at the top
- Add the date you completed the course next to the provider signature
- If you do not have a Montana Teaching License yet, then leave the SEID # blank.
- Submit the certificate with your license application to OPI's Licensure Unit.