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How to find a course I'm already enrolled in.

Creation date: 4/30/2020 2:58 PM    Updated: 3/1/2021 7:42 AM   already enrolled disappeared find my course my courses

There are a number of methods to use when trying to find a course in which you are already enrolled. 

  • Method 1: Look at your “my courses” list in the navigation drawer on the left of the screen. Click on the course title to enter the course. If you do not see the navigation drawer, click on the icon with the three lines (the “pancake stack”) to expand the navigation drawer. Note: this method has some limitations and will not show facilitated courses that have recently ended. 

  • Method 2: Go to your Dashboard. Use either option: 1) Click on Dashboard in the Navigation Drawer, or 2) Click on your name in the upper right corner and select Dashboard. 

Once you are on the Dashboard page, click on the course title to go to the course. If your dashboard has many courses or you are having trouble finding the course, use the three filter and view dropdown lists at the top to better organize the Dashboard to your liking. 

  • Method 3: Click on the orange Search Courses button and find the course in the appropriate category, in the same way you did when you first enrolled in the course.