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How to submit an assignment

Creation date: 12/1/2020 9:09 PM    Updated: 3/1/2021 7:44 AM    assignment submission submit upload

This self-help article is only applicable for the assignment activity type .

When you are in the assignment, your screen will look something like the example below. The first part contains the instructions, followed by the Submission status section, and then the “Add submission” button. The Submission status section shows your submission and grading status, when it was last modified, and any comments. Important - do not use the comment section to submit your work. The comment section is to make a comment regarding your submission. When you are ready to submit, click the “Add submission” button at the bottom. 

Depending on the assignment, you will see either an online text box, file submission area, or both. You will submit your assignment using one of the options, and then click ‘Save changes’. 

  • To submit via online text: Simply type your responses into this area, or, if allowed by the facilitator, copy and paste a link to your Google Doc. If you are using a Google Doc, make sure you know how to create a shareable link

  • To submit via a file: Upload or drag and drop your file into the files field. For more help with this, view our How to Attach a File article

From here you will see one of two things depending on how the activity is set up. 

  • Scenario 1: For this type of assignment, as soon as you hit save changes on the previous screen, it submits your work. You will know this if you see the text ‘submitted for grading’ in the submission status section. If you submitted too soon, you can make edits (with the edit submission button) up until the facilitator begins grading.

  • Scenario 2: If your facilitator allows you to save drafts, (saving drafts allows you to come and go as you make edits to your work) then you will see the text ‘Draft (not submitted)’ in the status field. This means you can come back and make edits, but the course facilitator will not grade it yet. When your work is complete, be sure to click the ‘Submit assignment’ button at the bottom. 

Activity completion - Most of the Hub’s assignments are set for activity completion to check off once you submit, but some may not check off until the facilitator has graded your work. If it is the latter, then it will be noted in the assignment instructions. 

Grading - Please allow at least 2-3 working days, more in some cases, for your work to be graded. Your score and any feedback can be viewed from either the grade book or by returning to the assignment.