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My photo is too large to submit (over 500KB).

Creation date: 3/11/2021 8:23 AM    Updated: 11/29/2021 10:16 AM    image photo size too big too large
Some courses ask participants to submit picture files, and picture files can often be over 500KB.

The directions on how to reduce the file size of the image depends on the device you used to take the picture. Because every device is different, you may have to Google a phrase such as "how to reduce image file size on [insert your device name]." 

In our experience, photos taken on Apple iPhones tend to be larger than other devices. For Apple iPhones, you can attempt to email the photo to yourself. When you hit send, you will get a pop-up that asks if you want the file to be sent at different file sizes. If you have the Photos app, you can also open the picture, click "Edit" and then crop the image to be smaller.