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Next activity or section is restricted

Creation date: 12/1/2020 9:12 PM    Updated: 3/1/2021 7:45 AM   continue move on restricted section stuck

Hub courses are a guided learning experience, and therefore they are set up so that you must first complete a specific set of activities before you can progress through the course. This can be setup so that completing one activity unlocks the next or by completing all the activities in one section, it unlocks the next. This setup may also include achieving a passing grade on graded activities, if any.

If you are unable to open the next activity or section, look just below the title of the activity or section you are trying to access and you will see a restricted icon: . The text following this icon will tell you what still needs to be completed. Here are a few scenarios: 

If the text says “Not available unless: The activity *** is marked complete”, similar to the image below, and…

  • The activity text is red (like ‘Course Information & Navigation’ below), then click on the red linked text to go to that activity and complete it.  

  • The activity text is black, (like “As a professional educator…’ below), that indicates there is a statement you need to agree to by clicking on the box to the right of the text in question. 

If the text says “Not available unless: You achieve a required score in ***”, ( similar to the image below), then one of two things could be happening.

  • You have submitted the activity, but the course facilitator has not graded it yet.

  • You submitted the activity, but did not get a passing score. You will need to make adjustments and resubmit. If you do not know if your assignment has been graded or not, click into the assignment and scroll down looking for a score and/or feedback.